Hobby reset

After my post yesterday I was determined to get some things set in motion. So today, I dug out all my unfinished models out on the table – this isn’t including all the ones still stuck in boxes not even put together yet (I wasn’t ready to be that demoralised!)
This was to see where I was at and which ones I’d like to finish off between now and the rest of the year.

There was more than I was bargaining for so it was a good exercise in seeing what I have in terms of models. I am sure my collection is nothing compared to some, but when set out like this, it’s pretty intimidating.

I gave myself the goal of 50 models – I cut them down to 52 (I think) as what’s the point in painting half a unit/band of followers!

There were some models that were easy to count out – some of the old Lizardmen models from the previous version of Warhammer Fantasy battle that hadn’t even been started, for example. Having said that some of these lizards also made it into the 50, because they just need basing!

Other easier ones to put aside were the army of Baratheons; mostly because there are a lot of them and I’m hoping to rewatch/read Game of Thrones and get inspired by how much Stannis is a dick. I did keep the four horsemen unit for the game though, they look like great models to paint.

Others that got the chop early were some of the larger models. I am not ready. See you later Shalaxi Helbane.

This photograph looks a lot less intimidating. Admittedly, some are nearly finished already which helps.

What remains:
A unit of mounted Baratheons for A Song of Ice and Fire.
Rattlebone & Warbane (GodTear)
Keera & Warband (GodTear)
Finvar & Warband (GodTear)
Skullbreakers Warband (GodTear)
Callis and Toll (AoS)
3 Primaris Space Marines (40K)
Some Stormcast Eternals (AoS)
Some gross nurgle thing!

Doing this has made the whole hobby ‘thing’ feel like I can tackle it again! The first step is going to be to undercoat the models that haven’t been sprayed yet.
Then to decide which one to pick up first!


      • I think those big ones have that effect on me, as well! I was thrilled to finally get my chariot painted up last year, though haven’t done anything with Slaanesh since. Should try harder. Maybe when you get round to them, we could do a twist on the buddy read thing, a buddy-paint 🤣

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Looks like a fun bunch of models to paint.

    If too much unbuilt/unpainted depresses you, you should stay out of my basement… You might never find happiness again. lol On the plus side, its warm enough again to undercoat models, so I might get some painting down soon. Might.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think I’d get stressed out if I saw the amount of boxed and unpainted models some people have, you included by the sound of things!
      Do you have a rough estimate for how many you have down there!?

      Good luck with the painting and mostly, the weather!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rough estimate (my last inventory was 4 year ago) is 1200-1500 28mm unbuilt/unpainted, and about 1,000 15mm unpainted. Its 3 complete Warhammer Fantasy armies, 4 complete Flames of War WW2 armies, and a whole bunch of minis all the genres I have completed forces for in 15 and 28mm. I keep saying I am planning for retirement when I wont have as much disposable income…

        Thanks! I got banned from priming i nthe garage over the winter (what a mess!) and now my ‘ready to paint pile’ is enormous.

        Liked by 2 people

      • At least those Fantasy Battle armies are playable again now that WHFB has come back around!! 😂

        But those numbers are pretty big and yes, I’d be so stressed with it! How do you cope!?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mostly by ignoring them! lol. I can retire in about three years, so i know i will have way more time to paint then, and having tons stashed away will be a real help once i have all that free time. At least i tell myself that! Coping!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Jenn, Spalanz and I are currently on a buddy read of Dark Apostle, book 1 in the Wordbearers series by Reynolds. Wordbearers are the epitome of “Mustache Twirly Whirly” villians of the 40K setting. Originally a bunch of religious fanatics that looked up to the Emperor as the godlike being he was and they were reprimanded for it, seeing as the Emperor was on a mission to stamp out all religion over the whole galaxy. So, naturally, the Wordbearers set out to find gods worthy of their devotion and found Chaos, I am not sure if they  praise a singular Chaos god or all of them for their specific needs, I still need some deeper dives into their Legion before I can say for sure. This novel is not about what I just wrote though, that part happened in The First Heretic, which got me interested in reading more of the Wordbearers. So far I am five chapters in and the story has me wondering where Reynolds is going with it. I am liking it so far though. […]


  3. […] Hobby reset @ Tragic Fangirl – you know what’s an important and worthwhile consideration in this hobby?  Setting achievable goals.  This is a post about just that. Taking the sea of unfinished models that hobbyists tend to acquire and concentrating on a manageable subset is definitely the way to go. I tend to start off well with that sort of thing and then… fail. Good luck, though! […]


  4. Wow Jen you do have a bit to do!! on reading what Border guy had I did a quick calculation on all my stuff packed in the shed and to my horror it came to roughly 25,000 AHH ! I have to say they are only the little 1/72 plastic figures of no real value not like your horde of beauties , One of my daughters saw your post and was very impressed.

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